You can take on tough challenges:
Make AI work for you

Leverage AI with confidence

At ADP, we approach artificial intelligence as we do with any emerging technology: through data-driven insights, human-centric design, and a commitment to ethics and transparency.

Leading the focus on ethical artificial intelligence solutions

In 2019, we formed the AI & Data Ethics Board with a focus on five key principles:

Disclosing what data is being collected, how it’s being used, what decisions are made with the assistance of AI, and whether a user is dealing with bots or humans.

Insights for You

Learn how a data-driven and ethical approach to AI can help you confidently put this emerging technology to work in your organization.

A Deeper Dive: Using AI in HCM

Hear Joe Kleinwaechter, ADP’s VP of Global UX, share how we’re building to give you AI-driven insights and intelligent capabilities.

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