Work Opportunity Tax Credits (WOTC)

Resources to Help You Comply with Confidence

WOTC Pre-screening Requirements: Are You Compliant?

The IRS has made it clear: WOTC screening must occur “on or before the date a job offer is made1.”

The ADP WOTC Resource Center can help you understand the requirements under WOTC for employers and employees, so you can maintain compliance with confidence.

WOTC compliance resources include:

  • Overview: ADP SmartCompliance® Tax Credits module (WOTC)
  • Blog Article: Legislative highlights from Eye on Washington
  • Infographic: At-a-glance WOTC guidance
  • E-book: WOTC: IRS Update
  • E-book: WOTC: Making Employee Screening Simpler

1. Internal Revenue Service, IR-2022-159, September 19, 2022

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