Every accountant in your firm who is working on time-consuming bookkeeping could be earning more for your firm. The days of manual data entry are over. Botkeeper has a better way that can free up your talent.
Botkeeper offers comprehensive support along with dedicated Botkeeper accounting teams. We’ll onboard your firm and assist your team with onboarding your clients. Your firm gets a customized experience. Need help? We're plugged-in 24/7!
After you onboard your clients, you’ll be able to manage all your clients through your firm’s unique platform URL. Then it’s easy for your firm bookkeepers to check in on the financials, download the statements, build custom reports and chat with the Botkeeper team as desired.
Accurate financials. No more messy books to clean up during tax time. We provide seamless, cost-efficient bookkeeping, freeing up your firm’s talent so they can spend more time talking to and advising clients on their numbers and business goals. No more putting hours upon hours into data entry. Leave it to us!
One central portal connects their financial and non-financial accounts. Botkeeper ensures that the data is automatically compiled and organized. Your clients get seamless bookkeeping while getting the personal touch and top-notch, high-value advisory services from you. No downtime.
Our firms reduce their bookkeeping costs by 30-50%, while easily being able to take on 10 or more new clients per day. It’s happiness, quantified.
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