ADP Economic Development Services (EDS)
You’re a groundbreaker. A job creator. A legacy-builder. Let the ADP EDS team help pave the way by optimizing your tax and incentive opportunities for your next business expansion.
Use our expertise to make the most of yours.

You’re focused on expansion. Let the ADP EDS team help identify your share of the billions in state and local tax credits available to help fund your efforts:
- Cash grants
- Employee training grants
- Enterprise zones
- Forgivable loans
- Infrastructure assistance
- Job tax credits
- Property tax abatements
- Sales & use tax abatements
- Tax exempt financing
- Wage subsidies
Helping groundbreakers secure their legacy
See how the specialized ADP EDS team helps companies across a variety of industries negotiate, secure and stay on track with tax credits and incentives.
With you at every stage of the process.
From end to end, the ADP EDS team has the people and the technology to help identify qualified incentive programs, accelerate your realization of their benefits and prepare the next generation of your leadership to do the same.

Our incentive data & opportunity analysis can help you make the best site decisions possible.

From building relationships to visiting potential locations, we’re your team on the front lines.

Administration & compliance
From filing timely reports to complying with all terms, we’ll help you maximize the value of every incentive.
Expert help to navigate the complex world
of tax credits & incentives
Whether you’re in an emerging industry or an international business breaking into the U.S. market, our skilled team can help you make sure you’re earning your share of the $7B+ incentive pool.